本讲是android camera native framework专题的第18讲,我们介绍camera java framework aidl概述。
资源 | 描述 |
在线课程 | |
知识星球 | 星球名称:深入浅出android camera 星球id: 17296815 |
极客笔记圈 |
camera java framework aidl文件路径
android 13 icameraservice.aidl代码如下:
* 凯发k8手机登录 copyright (c) 2013 the android open source project
* licensed under the apache license, version 2.0 (the "license");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the license.
* you may obtain a copy of the license at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/license-2.0
* unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the license is distributed on an "as is" basis,
* without warranties or conditions of any kind, either express or implied.
* see the license for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the license.
package android.hardware;
import android.hardware.icamera;
import android.hardware.icameraclient;
import android.hardware.camera2.icameradeviceuser;
import android.hardware.camera2.icameradevicecallbacks;
import android.hardware.camera2.icamerainjectioncallback;
import android.hardware.camera2.icamerainjectionsession;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.vendortagdescriptor;
import android.hardware.camera2.params.vendortagdescriptorcache;
import android.hardware.camera2.utils.concurrentcameraidcombination;
import android.hardware.camera2.utils.cameraidandsessionconfiguration;
import android.hardware.camera2.impl.camerametadatanative;
import android.hardware.icameraservicelistener;
import android.hardware.camerainfo;
import android.hardware.camerastatus;
* binder interface for the native camera service running in mediaserver.
* @hide
interface icameraservice
* all camera service and device binder calls may return a
* servicespecificexception with the following error codes
const int error_permission_denied = 1;
const int error_already_exists = 2;
const int error_illegal_argument = 3;
const int error_disconnected = 4;
const int error_timed_out = 5;
const int error_disabled = 6;
const int error_camera_in_use = 7;
const int error_max_cameras_in_use = 8;
const int error_deprecated_hal = 9;
const int error_invalid_operation = 10;
* types for getnumberofcameras
const int camera_type_backward_compatible = 0;
const int camera_type_all = 1;
* return the number of camera devices available in the system
int getnumberofcameras(int type);
* fetch basic camera information for a camera device
camerainfo getcamerainfo(int cameraid);
* default uid/pid values for non-privileged callers of
* connect() and connectdevice()
const int use_calling_uid = -1;
const int use_calling_pid = -1;
* open a camera device through the old camera api
icamera connect(icameraclient client,
int cameraid,
string oppackagename,
int clientuid, int clientpid,
int targetsdkversion);
* open a camera device through the new camera api
* only supported for device hal versions >= 3.2
icameradeviceuser connectdevice(icameradevicecallbacks callbacks,
string cameraid,
string oppackagename,
@nullable string featureid,
int clientuid, int oomscoreoffset,
int targetsdkversion);
* add listener for changes to camera device and flashlight state.
* also returns the set of currently-known camera ids and state of each device.
* adding a listener will trigger the torch status listener to fire for all
* devices that have a flash unit.
camerastatus[] addlistener(icameraservicelistener listener);
* get a list of combinations of camera ids which support concurrent streaming.
concurrentcameraidcombination[] getconcurrentcameraids();
* check whether a particular set of session configurations are concurrently supported by the
* corresponding camera ids.
* @param sessions the set of camera id and session configuration pairs to be queried.
* @param targetsdkversion the target sdk level of the application calling this function.
* @return true - the set of concurrent camera id and stream combinations is supported.
* false - the set of concurrent camera id and stream combinations is not supported
* or the method was called with a set of camera ids not returned by
* getconcurrentcameraids().
boolean isconcurrentsessionconfigurationsupported(
in cameraidandsessionconfiguration[] sessions,
int targetsdkversion);
* remove listener for changes to camera device and flashlight state.
void removelistener(icameraservicelistener listener);
* read the static camera metadata for a camera device.
* only supported for device hal versions >= 3.2
camerametadatanative getcameracharacteristics(string cameraid, int targetsdkversion);
* read in the vendor tag descriptors from the camera module hal.
* intended to be used by the native code of camerametadatanative to correctly
* interpret camera metadata with vendor tags.
vendortagdescriptor getcameravendortagdescriptor();
* retrieve the vendor tag descriptor cache which can have multiple vendor
* providers.
* intended to be used by the native code of camerametadatanative to correctly
* interpret camera metadata with vendor tags.
vendortagdescriptorcache getcameravendortagcache();
* read the legacy camera1 parameters into a string
string getlegacyparameters(int cameraid);
* apiversion constants for supportscameraapi
const int api_version_1 = 1;
const int api_version_2 = 2;
// determines if a particular api version is supported directly for a cameraid.
boolean supportscameraapi(string cameraid, int apiversion);
// determines if a cameraid is a hidden physical camera of a logical multi-camera.
boolean ishiddenphysicalcamera(string cameraid);
// inject the external camera to replace the internal camera session.
icamerainjectionsession injectcamera(string packagename, string internalcamid,
string externalcamid, in icamerainjectioncallback camerainjectioncallback);
void settorchmode(string cameraid, boolean enabled, ibinder clientbinder);
// change the brightness level of the flash unit associated with cameraid to strengthlevel.
// if the torch is in off state and strengthlevel > 0 then the torch will also be turned on.
void turnontorchwithstrengthlevel(string cameraid, int strengthlevel, ibinder clientbinder);
// get the brightness level of the flash unit associated with cameraid.
int gettorchstrengthlevel(string cameraid);
* notify the camera service of a system event. should only be called from system_server.
* callers require the android.permission.camera_send_system_events permission.
const int event_none = 0;
const int event_user_switched = 1; // the argument is the set of new foreground user ids.
const int event_usb_device_attached = 2; // the argument is the deviceid and vendorid
const int event_usb_device_detached = 3; // the argument is the deviceid and vendorid
oneway void notifysystemevent(int eventid, in int[] args);
* notify the camera service of a display configuration change.
* callers require the android.permission.camera_send_system_events permission.
oneway void notifydisplayconfigurationchange();
* notify the camera service of a device physical status change. may only be called from
* a privileged process.
* newstate is a bitfield consisting of device_state_* values combined together. valid state
* combinations are device-specific. at device startup, the camera service will assume the device
* state is normal until otherwise notified.
* callers require the android.permission.camera_send_system_events permission.
oneway void notifydevicestatechange(long newstate);
// bitfield constants for notifydevicestatechange
// all bits >= 32 are for custom vendor states
// written as ints since aidl does not support long constants.
const int device_state_normal = 0;
const int device_state_back_covered = 1;
const int device_state_front_covered = 2;
const int device_state_folded = 4;
const int device_state_last_framework_bit = 0x80000000; // 1 << 31;
camera java framework aidl产生的库/文件
- out\soong\.intermediates\frameworks\base\framework-minus-apex\android_common\gen\aidl\ aidl36.srcjar
aidl产生的c 源文件:
- out\soong\.intermediates\frameworks\av\camera\libcamera_client\android_arm64_armv8-a_cortex-a55_shared_cfi\gen\aidl\android\hardware
camera java framework aidl核心类
class | description |
icameraservice.aidl | cameraserver进程对外提供的入口接口 |
icameraservicelistener.aidl | icameraservice的回调类,通知cameraservice相关状态 |
icameradeviceuser.aidl | 用于操作某一颗camera device |
icameradevicecallbacks.aidl | camera device的回调类 |
camera java framework aidl核心类之间的调用关系如下图所示: